Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Movie of the week

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Action packed with robots wrestling each other and megan fox spicing up the movie. Even though some part dont really make sense. Let the actions speak, a movie you wont want to miss...


It's the middle of the night. You're driving on a lonely road. Suddenly, out of nowhere, another car hits you. When you wake up there's shattered glass all over the pavement, your friends are injured, and the other car is gone. You're disoriented, hurting--but when you see the ambulance's flashing red and blue lights, you know help has arrived. Did help really arrived or you wish it didn't...

P.S Do not watch wif a full stomach...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It been such a long time since i went to the museum, went there after work on thursday. Currently, they have this Christian Lacroix exhibition and admission is free. Feeling artisiic? Then you should make a trip down...

Feeling sulky lately, alot stuff have been left to rot, unsolve and i got no ideas how to fix it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Monday, went down town to join the fun for GSS, bought a few stuff. Now waiting for my next pay. Got attracted by this cafe and had our dinner there.

The food is not bad and the wanton is crispy but the drink is not very fantastic. After dinner, we took some markers and start scribbling.

16 May 09
Hotpot culture for jwei birthdae celebration

Each of us had our own pot and it bufect style. Alot of cooked food variety for you to choose and dessert too. CHOCOLATE FONDUE !!

Still waiting for the rest of the photo...