The difference between Singapore and Taiwan is most of the people there speak mandarin only. Their mrt is around the same as us BUT they are more systematic is moving in and out of the mrt. Most of the people there are friendly, especially the sale assistant. Very helpful.
In Taiwan
Mrt = 捷運(jie yun)
Bus = 公車 (gong che)
Cab = 計程車 (ji cheng che)
Their mrt

- Mister donut
- Chicken McCrispy
- Soup noodle(切仔面 qie zai mian)
- Fries from Ireland Potato
- Taro dessert (my favourite =D)
- Sweet potato soup, hotplate beancurd and wild vegetables
- Man tou with 10 flavour
- Custard pancake(栗米燒 li mi shao)
- Bread
- Kfc
- Smelly tofu

Toilet theme restaurant

Thats all folks...